The Power Of Puppy Eyes

The Truth About 'Puppy Eyes' And Why They're So Cute
The Truth About 'Puppy Eyes' And Why They're So Cute from

What Are Puppy Eyes?

Puppy eyes are those big, sad, and pleading eyes that dogs give when they want something. They are expertly crafted by canines through the use of the eyebrows and eyes to get the attention of their owners. Some dogs have perfected the puppy-dog eyes to an art form, and they can easily communicate their wants or needs with a simple glance. Puppy eyes are often used to get treats or attention from their owners, but they can also be used to indicate fear or excitement.

The Science Behind Puppy Eyes

Scientists believe that puppy eyes are an evolutionary adaptation that dogs use to their advantage. Dogs have evolved over thousands of years to be able to read and interpret human expressions and body language. This allows them to understand when their owners are angry or happy and what they are asking them to do. As a result, they have developed the puppy-dog-eye look to use as a tool to get their owners to give them what they want.

Using Puppy Eyes To Your Advantage

It is important to remember that puppy eyes should not be used to manipulate your dog. While it may be tempting to give in to their sad eyes, it is important to remember that by doing so you are reinforcing the behavior. Instead, it is better to use puppy eyes as a tool to help your dog understand what you want them to do. For example, if you want your dog to sit, use a hand signal or verbal cue, and then reward them with a treat when they obey.

The Power of Puppy Eyes

Puppy eyes are a powerful tool that dogs use to get what they want. It is a form of communication that dogs have developed over thousands of years, and it is important to understand how to use it to our advantage. Puppy eyes can be used to reward good behavior, or to help our dogs understand what we want them to do. However, it is important to remember that they should not be used to manipulate our dogs, as this can lead to increased disobedience.

How To Respond To Puppy Eyes

One of the most important things to remember when responding to puppy eyes is to remain calm and consistent. If your dog is giving you puppy eyes to get something, it is important to stay firm in your decision and not give in to their demands. It is also important to remember that puppy eyes can be a sign of fear or excitement, so it is important to be aware of your dog's body language and respond accordingly.


Puppy eyes are a powerful tool that dogs use to communicate with their owners. While it is tempting to give in to their demands, it is important to remember that doing so can reinforce the behavior. Instead, it is better to use puppy eyes as a tool to help your dog understand what you want them to do, and to reward them when they obey. By understanding the power of puppy eyes, we can better understand our dogs and use this tool to our advantage.