Women With Blue Eyes In Nigeria: A Rare Sight

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Blueeyed Nigerian Woman Makes Peace With Her Husband As They Team Up from howafrica.com

The women of Nigeria are as varied as the country itself. From the diverse cultures, to the many languages, to the unique tradition, Nigeria is a melting pot of beauty and diversity. Yet, one thing that stands out among Nigerian women is the presence of blue eyes. Although not common, there are those in Nigeria who have the genetic gift of blue eyes, making them a rare sight.

The Genetics of Blue Eyes

Blue eyes are a recessive gene, meaning that in order to be born with blue eyes both parents must carry the gene. This means that one parent must have blue eyes, while the other must either have blue eyes and/or carry the gene. In most cases, it’s unlikely that both parents will have blue eyes, so the gene is typically passed on through the generations. This is why blue eyes are so rare and why they are such a sight to behold.

The History of Blue Eyes in Nigeria

Blue eyes have been present in Nigeria for generations. It is believed that the trait was brought over from Europe by traders and missionaries and spread throughout the country. As the gene is passed through the generations, it is possible for blue eyes to be found in any of the ethnic groups in Nigeria. The presence of blue eyes is seen as a sign of beauty and is admired by many.

The Stigma of Blue Eyes in Nigeria

Despite being seen as a sign of beauty, blue eyes in Nigeria can also carry a stigma. In some cultures, blue eyes are seen as an unnatural occurrence and are thought to be a sign of bad luck. This belief is especially strong in rural areas, where traditional beliefs are more prevalent. As such, blue-eyed women in Nigeria can sometimes face discrimination and ridicule.

The Advantages of Blue Eyes in Nigeria

One of the benefits of having blue eyes in Nigeria is that they make you stand out. With so many people having dark eyes, blue eyes tend to draw attention, making you more noticeable. This can be especially beneficial for women, as it can increase their chances of finding a partner and being able to succeed in business. Blue eyes can also be seen as a sign of wealth, as many people with blue eyes come from wealthy backgrounds.

The Challenges of Blue Eyes in Nigeria

Unfortunately, blue eyes in Nigeria can also present some challenges. As mentioned previously, there is still a stigma attached to blue eyes in some cultures. This can lead to discrimination and even bullying. Additionally, blue eyes can be prone to certain vision problems such as light sensitivity and astigmatism. As such, it’s important for those with blue eyes to get regular eye checkups to ensure their eyes remain healthy.

Celebrities with Blue Eyes in Nigeria

While blue eyes are still rare in Nigeria, there are a few celebrities who have them. These celebrities serve as an inspiration to many, showing that blue eyes can be beautiful and that those who have them should be proud. Some of these celebrities include actress Genevieve Nnaji, singer Tiwa Savage, and model Mayowa Nicholas.


Women with blue eyes in Nigeria are a rare sight, but they are certainly a beautiful one. While there is still a stigma attached to blue eyes in some cultures, they are becoming more accepted and appreciated each day. As more and more celebrities and public figures embrace their blue eyes, they can serve as an inspiration to those who have them. Blue eyes may be rare, but they are certainly something to be proud of.